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Camgirl hints and tips

Regardless of whether its to attract lots of attention, camgirl hints and tips get your audience excited, have a great deal of fun, or earn money for doing something you love, there are a number of reasons why being a cam girl is the perfect career.

Read on for more camgirl hints and tips & secrets

Even so, these benefits don’t always come about straight away and it can take quite a long time to build up a fan base big enough to reap such impressive rewards. For this reason, we have come up with a few secret hints and tips to help you become a top cam girl.

Relax and have fun

If you are only interested in being a cam girl for the money, chances are you won’t be successful. The very best models love to perform and this is very much apparent in their shows.

By simply relaxing and having fun, you are bound to come across as personable and entertaining. After all, being a cam girl is quite a social and interactive profession, so it helps if you actively engage with your audience.

Create the right environment

Although you can take advantage of the studios that Strictly Models is opening in all major cities across the UK, you can still create the right cam girl environment at home.

Along with a high quality webcam, you should also think carefully about lighting. While some rooms have good natural light during the day, several of your fans will tune in at night, which calls for an artificial lighting set-up. Try to have two lights either side of you and one right in front.

Get yourself in the zone

As soon as you appear on camera, you should be giving it your best. This means doing your hair and make-up every time as well as wearing a sexy or cute outfit, even if you will be taking it off minutes later.

Don’t just sit there waiting for tips to either. You should constantly give your audience something to watch and get excited about. It doesn’t have to be much, but simply dancing, talking, or moving positions will keep viewers interested before the main show.

Be polite and courteous

With every kind of career or job, you will come across some difficult people and being a cam girl is no exception. In fact, some viewers know how to push a model’s buttons and can get rather rude or disrespectful.

But it is important not to get angry or annoyed. Try to be polite and courteous without being a pushover or giving in to every request. Also, be firm with what you’re willing to do and not willing to do but don’t laugh at a customer’s fetishes.

Work your audience

Make sure your best fans and tippers know they are appreciated, as they will undoubtedly come back for more. Also, send messages to the rest of the room to let them know what they are missing out on by not tipping.

When it comes to interacting with your audience, consider talking instead of typing. Not only is talking quicker and easier, it can be much more appealing and erotic.

For more camgirl hints and tips & secrets you can view how posts on How To Be A Cam Girl

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